Catholic Life and Mission

IMG_0849At St Mary’s take pride in the Catholic life of our school. This not only applies to specific R.E. lessons but in the everyday interaction of school life, assemblies, play times, meal times and all the relationships that exist within St Mary’s. We try to help children find a personal faith in God and to enjoy a sense of awe and wonder at his creation. We teach tolerance and respect for other faiths, races and cultures.REQM-Silver-Logo(1)

Through the teaching of Religious Education and provision in all areas across school life we follow the Southwark Diocesan requirements:

  • To provide for a lived faith experience through worship, retreats, assemblies and action for social justice
  • Classroom Religious Education is to be taught as a core subject and allocated 10% of teaching time
  • Teaching Religious Education in accordance with the general norms laid down by the Bishops’ Conference: Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19) (2012); Statement on Religious Education (2000) and any Diocesan guidelines
  • Assessing Religious Education in accordance with the general norms laid down by the Bishops’ Conference: Levels of Attainment in Religious Education in Catholic Schools and Colleges (2007)
  • Evaluating the teaching and learning in Religious Education according to the current Diocesan Inspection Framework

The Eucharist, worship and prayer are central to the life of our school.  There is strong provision for school-based celebrations which are complemented by visits to our Parish Church and the support of our Parish Priest, Father Dennis. Charitable outreach is also integral to our curriculum.


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logo1We use ‘The Way, the Truth and the Life’ Series to teach Religious Education to our pupils. This syllabus is based on the Religious Education Curriculum Directory for Catholic schools.

The primary content of all religious education material is the teachings and practices of the Catholic Church and their implications for the lives of people today, and particularly for the lives of the pupils.  Other faiths are addressed as a consequence of, and in the context of Catholic teaching.

The syllabus incorporates attainment targets: learning about the Catholic faith (AT1) and learning from the Catholic faith (AT2).  These are set out in the form of specific key learning objectives for each module.The syllabus provides rich resources: they are imaginative, engaging and challenging.

The Way, the Truth and the Life Syllabus:


  Autumn 1 Autumn 2
Reception God’s World God’s Family
Year 1 God’s Great Plan Mary Mother of God
Year 2 Chosen People The Mystery of God
Year 3 The Christian Family Mary Mother of God
Year 4 The Bible Trust in God
Year 5 Creation God’s Covenants
Year 6 The Kingdom of God Justice
  Spring 1 Spring 2
Reception Getting to know Jesus Sorrow and Joy
Year 1 Families and Celebrations Following Jesus
Year 2 The Good News The Mass
Year 3 Sacrament of Reconciliation Celebrating the Mass
Year 4 Jesus the Teacher Jesus the Saviour
Year 5 Inspirational People Reconciliation
Year 6 Exploring the Mass Jesus the Messiah
  Summer 1 Summer 2
Reception New life Church
Year 1 Resurrection Miracles
Year 2 Eastertide The First Christians
Year 3 Celebrating Easter and Pentecost Being a Christian
Year 4 The Early Christians The Church
Year 5 Life in the Risen Jesus Other Faiths
Year 6 The Transforming Spirit Called to Serve




The Wednesday Word aims to help all families draw closer to God, to the Church and to each other.

Wednesday Word Special Edition


The children receive this leaflet in school each week for them to take home and share with their family.

mini-vinniesSt Mary’s ‘Mini-Vinnies’

‘Mini-Vinnies’ is based on:

The Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP)  vincent-colour

‘Mini Vinnies’ are children aged between 7 to 11 (or younger) who, with the permission of their parents and the support of their schools, are encouraged to embark on their first steps as possible ‘Vincentians for life’.

As ‘Mini Vinnies’, the children have their own ‘treasured’ Prayer, Pledge and Badge, a dedicated website and a range of bright and colourful documents which guide them in their formative steps – helping and enabling them to become in every sense, young Vincentians – or ‘Mini Vinnies’.

Our ‘Mini-Vinnie’ Year 6 group of children meet regularly and they carry out many activities to raise money for charity.

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