_DSC4346(2)   Our Curriculum Vision


St Mary’s Catholic Primary School provides children with a rich broad, balanced and creative curriculum, which is underpinned by our School Values and our Mission Statement, to develop their academic, moral, social and spiritual growth:

‘Serving with Love, Striving for Excellence’


Our Core Values are embedded and remain central to the life of our school.  We want St Mary’s children to have dignity and self-worth through their experiences of belonging to a loving, caring and compassionate school community.

At St Mary’s, every child is recognised as a unique individual made in the image of God.  Our curriculum is designed with children’s needs at the heart of all that we aim to achieve, ensuring that all pupils thrive.  We want all children to enjoy learning, to be successful, to be confident learners and to have the knowledge and skills to equip them for life beyond our school.

St Mary’s is a multicultural faith school where we celebrate our richness of diversity, heritage and culture, promoting mutual respect, tolerance and understanding.  We want our children to know about the world they live in, developing their awareness and understanding of environmental and global issues, in a respectful and nurturing environment, to ultimately enable them to continue to grow into respectful, responsible and independent young people.

‘The children grew and became strong in SPIRIT, filled with WISDOM and the GRACE of God was upon them.’
Luke 2:40


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